Friday, September 28, 2012

How To Create a Budget

Creating a budget may not sound like the most exciting thing in the world to do, but it is vital in keeping your financial house in order. Before you begin to create your budget it is important to realize that in order to be successful you have to provide as much detailed information as possible. Ultimately, the end result will be able to show where your money is coming from, how much is there and where it is all going.

Here's How:

  1. Gather every financial statement you can. This includes bank statements, investment accounts, recent utility bills and any information regarding a source of income or expense. The key for this process is to create a monthly average so the more information you can dig up the better.
  2. Record all of your sources of income. If you are self-employed or have any outside sources of income be sure to record these as well. If your income is in the form of a regular paycheck where taxes are automatically deducted then using the net income, or take home pay, amount is fine. Record this total income as a monthly amount.
  3. Create a list of monthly expenses. Write down a list of all the expected expenses you plan on incurring over the course of a month. This includes a mortgage payment, car payments, auto insurance, groceries, utilities, entertainment, dry cleaning, auto insurance, retirement or college savings and essentially everything you spend money on.
  4. Break expenses into two categories: fixed and variable. Fixed expenses are those that stay relatively the same each month and are required parts of your way of living. They included expenses such as your mortgage or rent, car payments, cable and/or internet service, trash pickup, credit card payments and so on. These expenses for the most part are essential yet not likely to change in the budget.

    Variable expenses are the type that will change from month to month and include items such as groceries, gasoline, entertainment, eating out and gifts to name a few. This category will be important when making adjustments.
  5. Total your monthly income and monthly expenses. If your end result shows more income than expenses you are off to a good start. This means you can prioritize this excess to areas of your budget such as retirement savings or paying more on credit cards to eliminate that debt faster. If you are showing a higher expense column than income it means some changes will have to be made.
  6. Make adjustments to expenses. If you have accurately identified and listed all of your expenses the ultimate goal would be to have your income and expense columns to be equal. This means all of your income is accounted for and budgeted for a specific expense.

    If you are in a situation where expenses are higher than income you should look at your variable expenses to find areas to cut. Since these expenses are typically essential it should be easy to shave a few dollars in a few areas to bring you closer to your income.
  7. Review your budget monthly. It is important to review your budget on a regular basis to make sure you are staying on track. After the first month take a minute to sit down and compare the actual expenses versus what you had created in the budget. This will show you where you did well and where you may need to improve.

小故事 --- 一锅汤的教训










──美国 威廉‧詹姆士



失败就是失败,只能接受,别无他法,再多的惋惜和不舍,也无法改变结果。学会接受自己不满意 的结果,是人人必学的一门人生功课,小到生活上的琐事,大到人生志业,总会有不如我们意的时候,该怎么辨?只能接受,不肯接受现实,只会毁了自己的生活, 甚至精神崩溃。只有接受失败的苦果,才有再来的机会。 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

7个小细节 助OL减少辐射侵袭

















5 Steps to a Good Night's Sleep

By the editors of FITNESS Magazine

We'll keep this short because we know you're exhausted. According to a recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation, 60 percent of women say they get a good night's sleep just a few days a week or less, and nearly half admit they're so beat that it interferes with daily activities. "We live in a 24-7 society with a huge amount of pressure and commitments," says Helene A. Emsellem, MD, medical director of the Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and author of Snooze...Or Lose! "It's very easy to sacrifice sleep time for other things we think are more important."

Then there are all those nights we can't nod off, no matter how hard we try. Research shows that women's sleep tends to be disrupted during menstruation, pregnancy, and perimenopause. Women are also more likely than men to suffer from insomnia (about 7 out of 10 women reported having it in a recent poll). Given all this, it's no wonder that the amount of money we spend on sleeping pills has more than doubled since 2002, according to IMS Health, a healthcare information company. And it helps explain why more than a third of women chug at least three caffeinated beverages daily.

If you don't want your best rest to happen during an important meeting at work or at your desk at 3 p.m., here's how to take back your night.

Step 1: Hit the sheets.
We know, we know -- the dog needs a bath, you've got 124 e-mails to answer, and you have to do two loads of laundry before you can call it a day. But here's the thing: The chores can wait. "Adequate sleep is as essential to a woman's health as eating and exercise. Stop feeling guilty about getting it," says Lawrence Epstein, MD, author of The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep.

Is that really possible? Yes, if you prioritize what has to get done right now, and what can wait. Try this simple exercise: "About an hour before bed, type up a to-do list of all the things you need to accomplish, print out the list, then ball it up and throw it in a wastebasket," says Patricia Smith, coauthor of Sleep Disorders for Dummies. "The physical act symbolizes that you don't have to worry about these things until morning -- they'll all be there safely on your computer and you can deal with them then."

Step 2: Do z math.
"Most adults require seven to nine hours of sleep a night," says Dr. Emsellem. Since constant catch-up can make it hard to determine exactly how much your body needs, figure it out on your next vacation, when you're miles away from your alarm clock and jam-packed schedule. "You should reach a point where you're going to bed at the same time, rising at the same time, and feeling rested," says Clete Kushida, MD, PhD, director of the Center for Human Sleep Research at Stanford University. "That's your optimal sleep length." Once back home, make it a goal to stick to that amount, since skimping even a little can have a huge effect on your mood and concentration: "Studies have shown that if you cut back by about an hour just for one night, your alertness decreases by up to one-third," says Dr. Kushida.

Step 3: Zap your rest robbers.

Okay, you're ready to get your eight hours, but something else is keeping you up. In a word: pain. Backache. Headache. Cramps. "Pain is the number-one reason why people can't sleep," says Smith. If over-the-counter meds don't help, see your doctor. It sounds like a no-brainer, but, experts say, you'd be surprised how many people try to tough it out.

Other common sleep stoppers are easier to fix. For one thing, kick your kids, pets, computers, and any work-related reading out of bed. "Americans turn their bedrooms into Grand Central Station," says Smith. "Clear out the clutter." If your partner's snoring is the problem, turn on some white noise, such as a fan, to help drown out the racket. You should also send him to a sleep doctor. Loud snoring and twitching can be symptoms of serious disorders, including sleep apnea.

Step 4: Don't skimp on sleep in order to fit in exercise.
"People often think the choices are between two things that are healthy -- sleep in or get up early to exercise," says Dr. Epstein. "You need the exercise and you need the sleep, but you probably don't need those back-to-back Entourage reruns." Or all that time spent surfing the Internet. See, we just bought you an extra two hours!

Sleep secret:
Wear socks to bed. According to a Swedish study, warming your feet helps your body relax, which can promote zzzs.

Step 5: Think like a kid.

Yep, even adults need a routine. Here's yours (no binkie required):
• Hit the sack within 30 minutes of the same time each night, and try to wake up at about the same time each day -- even on weekends. Experts swear it works.
• A before-bed routine can also help you chill. Try a hot shower with a favorite, scented body wash; some evidence suggests that when your body temperature is elevated that way and begins dropping, it has a calming effect that can help you sleep more soundly, explains Dr. Epstein.
• Follow your tub time with a single chapter of a relaxing book, or listen to a few soothing songs on an iPod playlist.
• Put on a pair of socks before you hop in bed: According to that Swedish study, the blood vessels in the feet naturally dilate as the body begins to relax, and warming your feet facilitates the process.
• Finally, set the thermostat to about 68 degrees, close the blinds to block out light, and pull up the covers. Sweet dreams! 



   有一位美国著名高空走钢索表演者瓦伦达,在一次重要的表演中不幸身亡。事后,瓦伦达的妻子说,她预感瓦伦达这次要出事,因为他在表演前总是不停地唠叨说 这次表演太重要了,千万不能失败。而以前每次成功的表演之前,瓦伦达只是一心想着如何走好钢索。后来心理学家把这种不专心做好事情、对结果患得患失的的心 态叫做瓦伦达心态

Monday, September 24, 2012

Working together towards your investment goals.

Lancer Lim - Unit Trust Consultant
+60 19 603 9696
+65 9772 8576
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

US stock market clouded by economy

The Chairman of Federal Reserve in the US, Ben Bernerke has announced QE3 fiscal stimulus package to stimulates the US market by printing money (electronic money) and purchase into bond. The last QE has given the US market a bull run for 10 months.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A regular savings plan can help you reap benefits

Wish to know more and how its work? Please contact me as below:

Lancer Lim - Unit Trust Consultant
+60 19 603 9696
+65 9772 8576
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Staying the Course in the Long Run

Similar to how the slow and steady tortoise beats the hare in the race, the investor who remains focused on long-term goals is more likely to achieve better risk adjusted returns than the investor who has a short-term horizon.

Short-term market movements are unpredictable and in times of major swings, are often driven by sentiments of excessive pessimism or irrational exuberance. In view of the volatile nature of the stock markets, investors should be focused on riding through market cycles by having a medium- to long-term investment horizon of at least three to five years.
In addition, investors can better withstand the impact of market volatility on their investments by investing a fixed amount of money on a regular basis. This strategy is widely known as Ringgit Cost Averaging (RCA), which ensures that you buy more units of an investment when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high. Ultimately, the investor achieves a lower average cost which translates into a higher return when the market recovers.

Take Advantage of Market Downturns

RCA is, in fact, quite an effective strategy during bear markets or volatile market conditions for long-term investors. A strategy of continuing to invest a fixed amount of money when markets are sold down should enable investors to accumulate undervalued shares. Mark Mobius, emerging markets fund manager of Templeton Asset Management Ltd, once said in a Fortune magazine interview: “Investors should dollar-cost-average by investing a fixed amount on a regular basis, and hang in there. No one knows if the markets are going up, down, or sideways.”
By viewing market declines as great buying opportunities, you can enhance your long-term return potential when the market eventually rebounds. Historically the Malaysian market has trended upward over the long run and investors who bought when prices were relatively low will generally be rewarded when prices rebound (see sidebar). Thus, investors are advised to practice a disciplined investing strategy such as RCA to take advantage of the volatility in the markets.

Staying Invested May Prove Rewarding Over the Long-Term

There has been no proven method of predicting which direction the market will move over the short-term period. Nevertheless, some people still try to time market movements by selling their investments when they think the market is about to decline, and by buying in when they think the market is about to rise. By trying to time the market, you potentially miss out on market rallies that could substantially improve your overall return and long-term wealth. Thus, what is most important is not timing the market, but rather staying invested and focused on the long-term investment objectives.


Over the past few years, investors have seen a number of shocks and disruptions to global
financial markets caused by various economic and geopolitical factors. Markets may also
react dramatically in response to specific events. Getting – and staying – prepared for
difficult times, however, is often a determining factor for long-term success.

Seasoned investors know that in the long run, markets have shown remarkable resilience in
times of crisis. For instance, in the recent global financial crisis, stock markets fell sharply
in 2008 with the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) (FBM
KLCI) falling by 39.33 percent. However, markets started to rebound strongly from March
2009 onwards with the FBM KLCI registering a one-year return of 51.35 percent as at
March 31, 2010. Investors who are disciplined, well-invested, opportunistic and diversified
will have a greater degree of confidence that their investment goals will be achieved. In
comparison, sentiment-driven investors who have short-term goals may have panicked
during the market’s sharp sell-down in late 2008 and redeemed their unit trust investments,
turning an unrealised loss into a realised loss. If they held on to their investments and
continued to practise RCA, they would be able to minimise their losses and possibly
achieve positive returns.


Riding the Bulls and Bears

Over the past 32 years, the local stock market has experienced its fair share of ups and
downs. Since 1976, the FBM KLCI, which proxies the local market, has generated positive
returns in 21 years. Out of those, the FBM KLCI’s gains exceeded 10 percent in 15 out of
the 21 years. In comparison, the FBM KLCI declined in 11 years since its inception, with
losses ranging between 0.84 percent (2005) and 51.98 percent (1997). Nevertheless, the
KLCI enjoyed annualised returns of 6.81 percent per annum since 1976 despite the major
market correction in 2008. Over the period, the market was volatile but generally moved in
an upward direction in tandem with Malaysia’s economic growth and increase in market
capitalisation of listed companies.

So when is the best time to invest? That is a question no one, not even the experts, can answer due to the volatile nature of the markets. In fact, it is quite common for some investors to enter the market at the start of a bull market while others join in when the market hits its peak and is poised for a correction. These investors would have incurred losses in times such as the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis. However, investors who practise RCA when markets were volatile would be able to partially mitigate the sharp sell-down during bear markets.

Lancer Lim - Unit Trust Consultant
+60 19 603 9696
+65 9772 8576
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

How to Manage Your Time Better

These days, it can be difficult to find time for even the smallest of tasks. People are constantly on the go, and that stressful lifestyle can lead to all sorts of problems, medical and otherwise. Instead of

living each day in chaos, follow these steps to manage your time and feel your best.

Make the most of it.

Try to kill two birds with one stone as often as possible. For example, if you have to take a day off from work to receive a delivery at home, schedule the appointment with the refrigerator repairman that you’ve been putting off. The more you can check off your to-do list at once, the better.

Just say no.

Don’t try to please everyone by accepting every invitation for dinner or drinks. Politely decline requests for your time if they interfere with precious family time or a work project you must finish. It will feel even better to reward yourself after you’ve completed several tasks.

Eat early or late.

Instead of taking lunch at the usual noon hour, grab a bite an hour earlier or an hour later. Then, you’ll be able to get work done when the office is least crowded.

Review your calendar.

At the end of every month, take a look at the calendar. Note when you fell behind schedule and what days went smoothly. Then decide how many activities, meetings, and appointments you are realistically able to manage.

Have self-awareness.

Determine when you are at your best and brightest each day. Schedule your most difficult tasks for those times, to ensure you will be alert and awake for your toughest challenges.

7 Most Important Habits That Rich People Use to Build Wealth

Aristotle said that “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Being rich (having wealth, anyway) is not about having a lot of money or making a lot of money.

It’s about building wealth, keeping your money, and spending it wisely.

Here are the 7 best ways that rich people build wealth and keep it.

1. Learn the difference between an asset and a liability.

This is the most fundamental aspect to build wealth, yet most people have no idea what the real difference is.

A car, unless it’s a real collector’s item, is not an asset. It costs you money no matter how you look at it – it’s maintenance, upkeep, depreciation, etc. all mean you’re losing money.

A house can be either an asset or a liability, depending on its potential. The home you live in is probably not an asset, though you may have heard otherwise.

Most homes are no longer gaining value, so they are no longer assets. A home that you rent out for more than you pay in upkeep and mortgage, however, is an asset.

Learn the difference between the two fundamentals of wealth and you’ll understand that most Americans either purchase junk, spend their money on liabilities they mistakenly think of as assets, or they get wealthy by putting their money to work in things that make more money. To start making your money work for you save your money with the best bank rates.

2. Work hard and be diligent about your finances.

Don’t splurge on something you don’t need just because after months of saving you “deserve it.”

Nothing destroys good habits faster than going off the wagon. Why spend six months working hard to save up $1,500 if you’re just going to spend $800 of it on a “weekend getaway” to reward yourself?

Why not, instead, spend the money and that weekend working to improve your home’s front yard and thus raise its value? Or simply save the money and keep up the good work?

3. Live beneath your means and look poorer than you are.

If your income is $100,000 a year, live like you make $60,000 and save the rest or invest in things that will raise your income to $150,000 a year.

Living well beneath your means doesn’t mean living “poorly,” it just means you’re always prepared for when your $100,000 income suddenly drops to $65,000 because the market changed or your employer goes belly up.

Think of what that two years of $40,000 in savings would mean when your income disappears for a few months..

4. Have patience with your growth.

Most people do not make a fortune overnight and those that do often squander it the next day.

Building a fortune slowly, however, usually means that the person doing it has patience and perseverance and is willing to work hard and knows the difference between spending and investing.

5. Keep on learning and never get comfortable with your income.

In number 3, you were told to live beneath your means. Doing so gives you a feeling of comfort and stability, but also puts you in the habit of being frugal and aware of your spending.

Continue your education, whether it’s formal or informal, and keep building valuable skills you can use to build wealth. Learn to do your own auto mechanics, clean your own pool, wash your own cars, do your own handyman work, garden, or whatever else you might have an interest in learning.

Build skills and learn to whittle away at your expenses. The fewer expenses you have, the more money you’ll have to invest to make even more money. This is building wealth.

6. Live a balanced life and realize that gadgets and trinkets do not make you happy.

Truly wealthy people rarely have all of the latest gadgets and the gaudiest trinkets. In fact, the poorer a person is, the more likely they are to have a house full of dime store trinkets and baubles.

If you were to survey people who have built their own wealth and are truly balanced, happy, and wealthy, you’ll see that these rich people are rich because their lives are rich, not because they have a lot of shiny things to show off their wealth. The millionaire next door is never ostentatious.

7. Become happy and learn to only worry about what’s truly important.

Sure, getting bilked for $1,000 on a car purchase is not good. But can you do anything about it, and is it really worth the headache to?

If you need the car and it’s a good purchase regardless of the padded price tag, maybe the headache isn’t worth the trouble of making a scene. Perhaps a calm letter to the business owner explaining that you won’t be back there again and your friends won’t shop there either will be enough to both vent your frustration and get results in your favor. But obsessing over the lost thousand does no one any good. Least of all yourself.

These simple habits, which are more a lifestyle change than they are habits, are what set apart those who build wealth and those who just appear wealthy.

Friday, September 14, 2012











































若 基金A宣佈派發每單位10分的分利和基金B是派發每單位2分的分利,在完成那些分利的派發后,基金A的單位價格將是1元(=1.10-0.10);而基金 B的單位價格為0.83(=0.85-0.02)。那些調整後的價格對我們並沒有甚麼意義,因為每項基金表現的好壞與其分利派發的多寡是毫無關係的!






Thursday, September 13, 2012










同 樣的,一個大規模的基金在其整體市場而言佔有較大的份量。因此,若一個基金擁有很多資金,它可以購買很多股分,而且是每支股買很多份額!現在,若你要買一 單位的馬電訊股票,這個交易並不會導致馬電訊的股價逐漸攀升。但是,若你的基金經理要買入500單位的馬電訊股票(50萬股),在一天之內,該股的價格可 能就由於此交易而上升馬幣10分(同樣的情況也發生在售出股票時,除了有關的股價或許會因大量售出而稍微下跌之外)。



馬來西亞單位信托基金的規模越大,則基金經理要超越其投資技術的衡量標淮-基準指數就會越難。以馬來西亞的股票單位信托而言,一般上使用的基準指數為吉隆坡股票交易所綜合指數(KLSE CI)。


目 前整個單位信托業裡,有三分之二的份額由政府基金所管轄。而剩下的三分之一由超過30家的私人單位信托管理公司瓜分。大眾信托基金是其中最大的私人單位信 托管理公司。(截至2003年3月,大眾信托基金共管理馬幣59億的基金,擁有私人單位信托領域的27%市場佔有率。)















Lancer Lim - Unit Trust Consultant
+60 19 603 9696
+65 9772 8576
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Achieve Early Financial Independence with Unit Trust

Why unit trust investment?

Unit trust is a form of collective investment that allows investors with similar investment objectives to pool their funds to be invested by professional fund manager in a portfolio of securities.

Benefits of Investing in Unit Trust:

Professional Fund Management
Unit trusts are managed by approved  professional fund manager, ensuring that decision making is structured and based on sound  investment principles.

Unit trusts help you diversity your investments in a portfolio of securities to minimise risk and volatility.

Capital Appreciation/Income Stream
Unit trusts provide you with the opportunity to reap capital growth and /or income stream as return on investment.

Investment Exposure
Unit trusts make it possible to spread your investments and gain exposure to various asset classes and/or countries.

Unit trusts allow you to easily buy or sell your investments with minimum hassle. Investors will receive their redemption proceeds within 10days. Our priority members, Mutual Gold and Mutual Gold Elite will receive their proceeds within 2 business days.

Flexibility & Affordability
You can start your investment with as low RM1,000 and top it up with a minimum of only RM100.

Confort of Regulatory
Unit trusts are regulated by the Securities Commission to protect the interest of investors.

Advantages of Compounding
Unit trusts allow you to reinvest the income/distribution to accumulate growth.

The Power of Compounding

If you start early, your investment could grow 66% more with only half the investment outlay at age 55.The key element to compounding is time - the longer the period of time, the greater the growth.

''Invest Now, Its All Up to You to Change Your Reality Life''
''Financial Freedom Started Here!''

Mutual Gold Insurance Coverage

Mutual Gold Free Personal Accident Insurance is offered to Mutual Gold Members and Elite Members who maintain a minimum of 100,000 Qualifying Points (QP) with Public Mutual. The 100,000 QP can be accumulated from various accounts held as long as the unit holder is the first holder of the various accounts. The maximum coverage is RM500,000 and RM 750,000 for Mutual Gold and Elite Members respectively. The amount of insurance is equal to the number of QP in the ratio of RM1 insurance coverage for each QP.

Unitholders aged between 18-64 are eligible for the free insurance coverage. The cover will cease once the insured reaches age 65. 

Effective Date Of Coverage
The coverage will take effect according to the bank-in date of the initial or additional investment. 

Termination Of Coverage
Coverage will terminate when:-
  1. Insured cease to be a Mutual Gold Members
  2. Total QP in the accounts (of the first registered holder) drop below 100,000 QP
  3. A total claim of 100% has been paid out
  4. Insured attains age 65
  5. Unitholder enters full-time military, naval, airforce service of any country
Coverage For Group Personal Accident Permanent Disability (GPAPD)
This is a personal accident policy that provides the insured person with a 24 hours protection against accidental injuries that shall solely and independently of any cause result in the insured's death or permanent disablement anywhere in the world. 

Risk Excluded For GPAPD
The coverage does not cover death loss or disablement directly or indirectly caused by:- 

(A) The insured engaging or taking part in:
(i) Armed forces, naval or airforce service or operations
(ii) Professional sports, winter sports other than skating
(iii) Rock climbing or mountaineering necessitating the use of ropes or guides, potholing,hang gliding, bungee jumping, parachuting or any kind of race other than on foot
(iv) Flying or other aerial activity except as a passenger in a fully licensed aircraft operated by a licensed commercial air carrier or recognised air charter company (the word 'passenger' does not include any member of the aircrew or technician working in or upon an aircraft).
(v) Criminal acts or any illegal activities

(B) The insured being affected by a drug unless the drug is taken under the direction of a legally qualified medical practitioner provided such direction is not for the treatment of drug addiction.

(C) Provoked murder or assault, intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide or any attempt thereat while sane or insane.

(D) Pregnancy, childbirth or any pre-existing physical or mental defect or infirmity.

(E) Deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in an attempt to save human life)

(F) HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and/or HIV related illness including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC) however caused, and/or any mutant derivatives, variations or treatment thereof however caused.

(G) War, invasion, terrorism, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not),civil war, rebellion, revolution, direct participation in riot or civil commotion, insurrection or military or usurped power.

(H) Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exclusion, combustion shall include any self-sustaining of nuclear fission.

Extended Coverage
Motor cycling, strike, riot and civil commotion, hunting, hijacking, amateur sporting activities, intoxication, insect bites and animal attacks, unprovoked murder and assault, drowning, suffocation through smoke, fumes and poisonous gas, food poisoning, natural perils, i.e. earthquake, volcanic eruption, tidal waves and lightning, exposure and disappearance.


COMPENSATION (Percentage of Capital Sum Insured)
Accidental Death
Loss of two limbs
Loss of both hands, or of all fingers and both thumbs
Total paralysis
Total insanity
Injuries resulting in being permanently bedridden
Any other injury causing permanent total disablement
Loss of arm at shoulder
Loss of arm between shoulder and elbow
Loss of arm at elbow
Loss of arm between elbow and wrist
Loss of hand at wrist
Loss of leg at hip
Loss of leg between knee and hip
Loss of leg below knee
Eye - loss of whole eye
Eye - loss of sight of
Eye - sight of except perception of light
Eye - lens of
Loss of four fingers and thumb of one hand
Loss of four fingers
Loss of thumb-both phalanxes
Loss of thumb-one phalanx
Loss of index finger-three phalanxes
Loss of index finger-two phalanxes
Loss of index finger-one phalanx
Loss of middle finger-three phalanxes
Loss of middle finger-two phalanxes
Loss of middle finger-one phalanx
Loss of ring finger-three phalanxes
Loss of ring finger-two phalanxes
Loss of ring finger-one phalanx
Loss of little finger-three phalanxes
Loss of little finger-two phalanxes
Loss of little finger -one phalanx
Loss of metacarpals-first or second(additional)
Loss of metacarpals -third, fourth, fifth (additional)
Loss of toes-all
Loss of toes-great, both phalanxes
Loss of toes-great, one phalanx
Loss of toes-other than great, if more than one toe lost, each
Loss of hearing-both ears
Loss of hearing-one ear
Loss of speech

Permanent total loss of use of member shall be treated as loss of member. Loss of speech shall mean total permanent inability to communicate verbally.

The aggregate of all percentages payable in respect of any one accident shall not exceed 100%. In the event of a total of 100% having been paid, all insurance hereunder shall immediately cease to be in force. All other losses smaller than 100%, if having been paid shall reduce the coverage by that amount from the date of accident until the expiration of the policy.

Exclusion - Unacceptable Occupation
Police, Naval, Military or Air Force Personnel, Aircraft Pilots and Crews (except during off duty), Dynamite and Explosive Handlers, Horse Trainers, Grooms or Jockeys, Ship Crew and Stevedores, Timbers Logging Workers and Timber Lorry Drivers/Attendants, Tunneling or Underground Workers, Circus Performers/Stunt Men, Professional Divers, Oil Rig workers, Asbestos Workers, Fishermen, Weapons Production Workers, Offshore Workers and Armed Security Guards.

The Don’t Quite Poem

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out–
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit–
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Lancer Lim - Unit Trust Consultant
+60 19 603 9696 (MYS)
+65 9772 8576 (SGP)

Should I worry about retirement?

Have you every thought of how much money that is needed for your retirement? If no, probably you want to start thinking about it now. This is an interesting article I get from “thestar” newspaper: Is savings enough for retirement?

Apparently from the survey by AXA Retirement scope 2010, Malaysian seems pretty aware of the amount of money that they will get after retirement (i.e. 54%) as compared to the rest of the countries except India is ranked number one. This is a good sign as least you still know exactly how much you will earn or get after your retirement.

On the other hand, I’m not sure if this considered to be good news or it simply means other countries have taken care of their citizen’s retirement therefore they don’t really care about it? Countries such as UK and Australia, you can see that they don’t really care about it. I think this is mainly due to the fact that their governments have taken care of their retirement. That is also one of the reasons why people like to migrate to Australia.

Having said so, if you look at the data, majority of people around the world still do not really give a damn about retirement. Because more than half the population do not aware at all how much they will earn after retirement. “Who cares? There are still plenty of time!” - this is the most common reason why people still do not want to take it seriously. But I afraid by the time you start thinking about retirement, it is probably too late…

Let’s look at this another data for Malaysian’s perception on whether their retirement income is sufficient or not. As you can see, (35% + 2%) = 37% think their retirement income is sufficient. It used to 62% in 2007 and now this drops dramatically.

Looking for Solutions?

  • If you ever want to know the amount of retirement fund that you need for your retirement, you can look for me. 
  • Once you know exactly how much is needed for your retirement, you have 2 solutions. First solution is to earn more and the second solution is to grow your money by investing. Let money work harder for you. 

 Contact me for more information.

Understanding Islamic Unit Trusts

The rising affluence of investors who are keen to invest in Islamic financial products and the expansion of Islamic Capital Market products will underpin the growth prospects of the Islamic unit trust industry over the longer term. In Malaysia, growing demand for Islamic unit trusts is evident. From a mere two Islamic funds in 1993, the number of Islamic funds in Malaysia’s private unit trust industry has increased to 146 today. As at June 30, 2010, the Islamic fund sector has a net asset value (NAV) of RM26.37 billion, which is about 31 percent of the private unit trust industry in Malaysia1.

Characteristics of Islamic Unit Trusts

The primary characteristic that distinguishes Islamic fund management from conventional investing is its compliance with Shariah law. Islamic funds must adhere to Shariah-compliant economic activities and invest only in companies that fulfill Shariah requirements. In addition, Islamic funds cannot invest in conventional banks that offer products with fixed interest rates but can invest in Islamic securities and Islamic financial institutions. The funds must also avoid making investments in companies that are involved in products restricted by Islamic laws, such as alcohol, tobacco, pork, gambling or pornography.

After eliminating companies with non-Shariah primary business activities, the quantitative filter, in the form of financial ratios, are used to ensure that a Shariah-compliant company makes its income with adequate financial resources and without excessive debt. In addition, an Islamic fund may only engage in leverage through the use of Islamic financing instruments and may not obtain or provide conventional loans nor invest in conventional interest-bearing products, including conventional debt securities. Cash held by a fund may only be invested in Shariah-compliant, short-term investment products, such as Islamic money market instruments.

Resiliency of Islamic Funds

As such, Islamic funds have been known to be more resilient than conventional unit trusts as their returns are generally less volatile. Meanwhile, there are also other advantages to "ethical" investing. For instance, Islamic funds were little affected by scandals afflicting companies such as Enron and WorldCom several years ago, as these companies' highly leveraged balance sheets kept Islamic funds from buying them. Moreover, the quantitative filter adds to the resilient nature of Islamic funds because if interest rates were to increase in a rising inflationary environment, investments in non-leveraged companies are expected to outperform.

Purification of Profits

There will also be times when certain Shariah-compliant securities are reclassified to be
Shariah non-compliant. This may be due to a company changing or expanding its
operations which can lead to an unacceptable level of activities prohibited by Shariah laws.
For instance, a restaurant or hotel may decide to start serving alcohol or pork. In this case,
the Shariah Adviser will render the securities to be disposed should their market value
exceed the original investment cost on the announcement day.

The fund management company is then supposed to purify or cleanse the profits made by
its Islamic funds by identifying the profits generated by non-permissible activities and
channel the amount to charitable bodies approved by the Shariah Adviser. Investors can
find out how fund managers purify earnings from their Islamic funds in the respective

Shariah Advisory Council

In order to protect the interest of investors, the SC has set up a Shariah Advisory Council
(SACSC) to regulate Islamic funds in Malaysia. The SACSC is responsible for attending to
inquiries and proposals related to the field as well as making pronouncements to encourage
innovation in the industry.

In addition, the SC also allows the registration of both local and foreign advisers for unit
trust funds and Islamic securities to ensure that fund managers are able to tap into their
own Shariah expertise. Besides ensuring that the operations and investments of the funds
are in compliance with Shariah requirements, Shariah advisers also occasionally meet with
the fund managers to answer enquires and offer advice.
For more information, please contact me or visit or

Sunday, September 9, 2012







1. 馬來西亞直接股票或證券投資的多變性;以及
2. 費用的影響,通常為申購手續費,這些費用會影響股票基金的報酬。


讓 我們先來談談多變性(volatility)。在投資界,風險與多變性是息息相關的。我們通常是使用標準誤差(standard deviation)來作為其衡量標準。以我們在本篇所討論的重點而言,你所需知道的是標準誤差值越高,則一系列數據值的分散程度就越大。這一些價格在一 段時日後,將呈現在其平均值四周。

這是很合乎邏輯的,因此一位投資者要嘗試押注於他所喜歡的投資工具時,則應全然地依據低風險產生低回酬 而高風險產生高回酬的基本投資教條。要投資股票領域最好的作法是進行長期投資;如此一來,自然緩和短期的多變性所帶來的影響。這個結論在無數的長期股票投 資產生高利潤的實例子中表現無遺。

我們轉至第二個考慮點,即費用對基金表現的影響。值得注意的是典型的馬來西亞股票單位信托基金收取其相 關值5%至8%的費率作為投資於這個基金的基本銷售費用。國際的經驗暗示著我們這些費用將會逐漸地下降,這情形也許會在10年後發生。但在現階段,很顯 然地不管投資單位信托有多大的好處-包括擁有專業的基金管理,現成的多樣化投資以及在想要兌現時有個現成的買家等-你投資的時期越長,基金費用構成的整體 影響就越低。

假設你支付6.5%的申購費用於一項單位信托投資而它的常年增長率是9%(在所有常年管理費用都包括後)。一筆為數1萬元的 初期投資總額將被劃分為 9389.67元的投資資本與610.53元的申購費用。而你的9%常年增長率將依據9389.67元的投資資本運作。在投資的第一年結束時,你將有 10,235元;在第3年是12,160元;而第7年則是17,165元。所以,根據你投入的1萬元初期資本,以簡單的利率方式表示,你在1年賺取 2.35%的入息;3年為21.66%;而7年則是71.65%。






對‘新 基金’而言,較明智的定義方法要視基金在推介后的即時真實情況。在馬來西亞,單位信托基金經理基本上用少過1年的時間來達到2個關鍵的目標︰首先是籌得足 夠的資金進行廣泛的投資,以達至最理想的多樣化投資;其二是將幾乎全數的金額都投資於基金的目標市場或領域。因此,我們將定義‘新基金’為那些存在少過1 年的基金。

接下來是選擇一個充滿挑戰性的投資期間,它包括熊市與牛市的筥期。 1997年及1998年的亞洲經濟蕭條時期是最恰當的時期。那時期始於1997年7月,直至1998年9月資管開始實行為止,那之後經濟有迅速的複蘇。








Friday, September 7, 2012

What is Rat Race?

Have you ever see a rat running in a wheel? No matter how fast the rat is running, it will still be at the same place. Rat race is a term used for an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit.

In financial, rat race is a term used to describe people who work endlessly with little reward or purpose. If you are working at least 8 hours per day in the company just to get a salary to pay your bill, you are more likely caught in the rat race.

Many people believe working for long hours and taking more stressful tasks will greatly increase their worth and their salary in their company. Many people will also do all sorts of thing politically in order to climb the corporate ladder. However many people always forget that they are still trading their time and health for money. Once their time or health is gone, do you think the company will still keep them? In the company point of view, do you think it is better to employ young, energetic staff with new ideas at a lower cost, or to keep old, unenergetic staff with old ideas at a higher cost?

In my opinion, it is important to get out of this rat race as soon as possible. It is because once you reach a certain age, it will be very hard to do that. In order to get out of this rat race, we must start focusing on how to make money work for us. We must learn how to do financial planning and start to save in order to accumulate capital. We must also learn how to invest in assets like properties and shares, generate passive income and create our own businesses. You may want to read other articles on this blog or my other blogs to learn more.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

避 开 常 见 的 投 资 陷 阱

每 一 个 人 都 会 在 生 命 中 的 某 一 刻 犯 下 错 误。作 为 投 资 者,我 们 必 须 从 错 误 中 学 习,即 认 清 自 己 的 投 资 失 误,并 且 适 当 地 调 整 我 们 的 投 资 纪 律。

许 多 人 在 投 资 前,都 没 有 去 充 分 了 解 投 资 程 序 或 各 种 不 同 的 投 资 产 品,也 没 有 考 虑 他 们 真 正 希 望 达 到 的 长 期 目 标。这 类 投 资 者 经 常 对 股 市 的 短 期 动 荡 产 生 负 面 反 应、听 取 自 称 是 老 师 的 人 所 给 予 的 劝 告、在 不 恰 当 的 时 机 进 入 股 市,以 及 最 后 损 失 大 笔 金 钱。

以 下 是 一 些 会 影 响 投 资 表 现,投 资 者 却 常 犯 的 错 误:

1. 投 资 前 未 准 备 紧 急 备 用 金
没 有 拨 备 紧 急 基 金 就 进 行 投 资,犹 如 激 流 划 艇 不 穿 救 生 衣。进 入 股 市 之 前,投 资 者 受 促 准 备 至 少 三 至 六 个 月 的 开 销,以 应 付 财 务 危 机 (例 如 失 业) 或 意 料 之 外 的 现 金 流 动 问 题。这 项 现 金 缓 冲 的 基 本 目 的,就 是 在 个 人 经 济 出 现 变 化 时,提 供 财 务 和 情 绪 上 的 稳 定。

2. 预 测 股 市 走 势

股 市 的 走 向 也 许 有 其 周 期,但 这 不 表 示 我 们 能 确 定 什 么 时 候 是 谷 底,可 以 进 入 股 市,以 及 什 么 时 候 是 高 峰,应 该 撤 离。巴 菲 特 等 成 功 的 投 资 老 手 不 用 预 测 股 市 走 向 的 工 具,因 为 它 们 通 常 帮 不 上 忙。因 此,假 如 个 人 投 资 者 不 再 试 图 预 测 股 市,他 们 将 可 避 免 蒙 受 巨 大 的 损 失。事 实 上,由 于 个 人 投 资 者 对 金 融 市 场 了 解 不 足,把 焦 点 放 在 长 期 投 资 单 位 信 托 基 金,可 协 助 他 们 取 得 更 好 的 投 资 成 果。

3. 拖 延
投 资 者 不 应 拖 延 投 资,因 为 较 长 的 投 资 期 限 让 复 利 更 有 效 发 挥 它 的 威 力,因 此,及 早 开 始 投 资 对 将 来 的 潜 在 回 酬 有 巨 大 影 响。同 时,你 在 开 始 投 资 前 等 待 越 久,你 就 必 须 投 入 更 多 金 钱,才 能 取 得 与 比 你 早 开 始 的 人 获 得 的 同 等 回 酬。

4. 承 担 太 大 或 太 小 的 风 险
由 于 风 险 与 回 酬 成 正 比,你 在 投 资 时 所 承 担 的 风 险 可 以 决 定 你 的 潜 在 回 酬。尽 管 如 此,还 是 有 一 些 投 资 者 承 担 了 过 大 或 过 小 的 风 险。高 风 险 投 资 者 经 常 变 成 投 机 者,也 经 常 没 有 事 先 研 究 就 进 行 投 资。另 一 方 面,过 于 保 守 的 投 资 者 可 能 面 对 通 膨 蚕 食 购 买 力 的 风 险。与 其 完 全 由 你 的 风 险 承 受 度 来 决 定 你 的 投 资,你 也 应 该 考 虑 你 的 财 务 目 标 和 投 资 期 限。

5. 不 够 多 元 化
要 建 立 一 个 不 断 增 值 的 投 资 组 合,多 元 化 是 其 中 一 个 最 基 本 的 投 资 守 则。即 使 如 此,许 多 投 资 者 仍 然 疏 于 采 取 这 项 步 骤,反 而 将 所 有 的 鸡 蛋 都 放 在 同 一 个 篮 子 里。多 元 化 的 投 资 组 合 谨 守 资 产 配 置 的 所 有 部 分 - 考 虑 风 险 承 受 度、可 运 用 的 投 资 资 本、投 资 期 限 与 现 有 组 合 的 各 资 产 比 重。

6. 做 投 资 决 定 时 变 得 情 绪 化
大 多 数 投 资 者 让 情 绪 - 特 别 是 贪 婪 与 恐 惧 - 左 右 他 们 的 投 资 决 定。譬 如 在 股 价 暴 跌 时,情 绪 化 的 投 资 者 往 往 忍 不 住 抛 售 持 股。结 果 在 情 绪 和 直 觉 影 响 下,许 多 投 资 者 最 终 都 是‘买 高 卖 低’。反 之,他 们 应 评 估 股 价 下 滑 的 原 因,观 察 是 否 大 市 造 成。

7. 研 究 不 足
投 资 者 在 投 资 前 应 做 功 课。成 功 的 投 资 需 要 不 断 投 注 时 间 和 努 力,包 括 进 行 本 身 的 投 资 研 究。投 资 者 也 应 注 意,一 项 投 资 过 去 的 表 现 不 代 表 未 来 的 表 现。

8. 熊 市 时 惊 慌 失 措
大 熊 市 期 间,往 往 可 看 见 许 多 投 资 者 受 情 绪 主 宰,在 恐 慌 中 沽 清 持 股。长 期 投 资 者 则 不 受 股 市 的 起 落 影 响。反 之,他 们 可 能 把 疲 软 的 股 市 视 为 一 个 机 会,让 他 们 以 诱 人 的 价 格 累 积 遭 低 估 的 蓝 筹 股。

每 一 个 人 在 投 资 时 都 会 犯 错,但 一 个 胜 利 者 和 失 败 者 的 分 别 就 是,前 者 会 运 用 他 们 从 错 误 中 学 到 的 教 训。成 功 投 资 的 关 键 是 不 要 完 全 规 避 风 险,而 是 去 认 明 你 所 承 受 的 风 险。为 了 避 免 令 人 震 惊 的 坏 消 息,请 好 好 做 功 课。阅 读 基 金 说 明 书 及 检 查 投 资 股 项 的 长 期 表 现 是 不 二 法 门。美 国 基 金 经 理 罗 纳 德·罗 杰 就 曾 说 过:“即 使 不 了 解 自 己 买 什 么,人 们 还 是 一 窝 蜂 冲 着 去 买。人 们 买 冰 箱 或 VCR 播 放 机 时 所 做 的 研 究,比 他 们 (在 股 市) 投 入 成 千 上 万 金 钱 时 做 的 研 究 还 要 多。”


即 使 百 万 富 翁 也 会 犯 错 (并 从 中 学 习)

作 为 一 位 投 资 者,班 杰 明·葛 拉 汉 曾 三 次 破 产。不 过 每 一 次,他 都 将 自
己 的 失 败 记 录 在 案,并 且 好 好 研 究。最 后,他 成 功 将 自 己 的 投 资 智 慧
传 授 给 无 数 人,包 括 同 样 从 自 己 的 错 误 和 失 败 中 学 习 的 华 伦 · 巴 菲

职 业 生 涯 的 早 期,巴 菲 特 误 以 为 自 己 有 能 力 拯 救 一 家 垂 危 的 纺
织 厂。在 被 迫 结 束 它 的 纺 织 业 务 之 后,巴 菲 特 学 会 了 只 要 素 质 好,就
值 得 掏 钱 包。他 后 来 将 这 家 奄 奄 一 息 的 公 司 发 展 成 值 1 千 400 亿 美 元
的 大 生 意。

另 一 个 很 好 的 例 子 是 皮 克 斯 (Pixar) 的 约 翰·拉 瑟 特。他 从 学 院 毕 业 后,
迪 士 尼 聘 请 他 成 为 迪 士 尼 乐 园 丛 林 漂 流 的 船 长。后 来,公 司 让 他 成 为
动 画 制 作 人 员,而 他 很 快 意 识 到 新 电 脑 科 技 的 威 力 将 为 动 画 片 带 来
革 命 性 的 改 变。

不 过,迪 士 尼 并 不 欣 赏 他 制 作 的 第 一 部 长 片,甚 至 解 雇 了 他。于 是,他
回 到 画 板 上 继 续 努 力。他 将 动 画 程 序 修 改 得 更 加 完 善 后,加 入 一 家 后
来 转 变 成 皮 克 斯 的 公 司,并 赢 得 两 座 奥 斯 卡 金 像 奖,以 及 推 出 一 系 列
非 常 受 欢 迎 的 电 影,包 括 玩 具 总 动 员、虫 虫 危 机 和 赛 车 总 动 员。讽 刺
的 是,他 与 伙 伴 史 蒂 夫·乔 布 斯 后 来 将 皮 克 斯 以 74 亿 美 元 (251 亿 令 吉)
出 售 给 迪 士 尼。

For more information please contact me or leave a message to me. You can get my contact details note on right side of my blog. Thanks!